If several users should use TuxCAD, it will be favourable to install
the program in a global directory (e.g. /usr/local/tuxcad). Otherwise a
installation in an user's local directory (like ~/tuxcad) is also possible.
The target location depends on the place where the package is extracted. After
downloading the program, change into the desired parent directory
(the following examples suppose to install TuxCAD into
/usr/local/tuxcad). So, first you have to type
cd /usr/local
Then, the archive will be extracted using the command
tar xvzf /Pfad/tuxcad.0.01.tgz
To start the program by simply typing tuxCAD on the console, you have to either
move the binary from the tuxcad/bin/ directory into a directory where the
system searches for executables (see PATH-variable) or you can set a
(symobolic) link into one of those directories. You might also change into
the tuxcad/bin directory for starting the program, but this might be not
very comfortable. Of course, another solution is to append the tuxcad-path
to your PATH-Variable (e.g.: set PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/tuxcad/bin; export
PATH). You should avoid calling TuxCAD with a preceeding
path-specification, because X-windows may not find the appropriate resource
file. If you'd like to create a symbolic link from /usr/X11R6/bin, you have
to insert the following comand:
ln -s /usr/local/tuxcad/bin/tuxCAD /usr/X11R6/bin/tuxCAD
Now, X-Windows must be told, where it finds the TuxCAD-resource file,
which is stored in This can be done in one of the
following ways:
- The resource file will be stored in a directory where X-Windows searches
for resource files. This can be either /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults or
another directory which is listed in the XAPPLRESDIR-variable (will be
shown on a 'echo $XAPPLRESDIR'). The name of the resource file should
be changed into TuxCAD.
mv /usr/local/tuxcad/ /usr/X11R6/bin/X11/app-defaults/TuxCAD
- Alternatively the values of the resource file can be inserted into the
the X-servers resource database. The complying command is:
xrdb -merge /usr/local/tuxCAD/
This method has the advantage, that the resource values will be found
even, if TuxCAD will be started with an absolute or relative
path specification.
This section describes problems while using TuxCAD, tells possible
reasons and gives solutions.
- All texts in TuxCAD are display in lowercase. Color menues
are not multi-coloured.
- The TuxCAD resource file was not loaded at properly at program
start. Check, if the resource file is placed in a directory, where
the X-server looks for resourse file (do a 'echo $XAPPLRESDIR' to see a
list of possible directories). The resource file needs to be named
TuxCAD (respect upper and lower case letters).
- When loading workcells some or all parts where not found by
- Verify the parts stored in the workcell-file (plain text). All part's
filenames are stored with relative pathes. Do all parts exist relative
to the data-path ? Check the settings of the data dictionary
by calling the function System/Config. Adjust the value if
- I called the online-help, but theres no text
- Call System/Config and make sure, that the
TuxCAD-path is set correctly.
- Using more than one workcells at the same time, TuxCAD
crashes (including X-Windows)
- This is still a known bug, which is caused by a sloppy usage of
OpenGL-display lists. I hope to fix the bug in one of the
next versions.
There are a lot of problems unmentioned. An extended list is still in work...
TuxCAD distinguishes between three different object types:
Parts are elementary units, which can be freely moved in the space.
This objects have no degrees of freedom like joints.
These are objects, which consists of at least one part. If there are
more than one part, there might exists degrees of freedom (translatoric
and/or rotatoric) between two parts. Each part must belong to
a device. Devices can realize flexible objects (kinematic
chains) like robots.
A world is a container for many devices. It will be
represented by a scaleable CAD-window.
TuxCAD can display several independant CAD-windows. Each window
contains a separate world (also named workcell), which can be shown from up
to four different point of views at the same time. A workcell consists out of
one or more devices, which have themself one or more parts. Kinematic
relations between two parts allows representing flexible devices.
If TuxCAD is called without parameters, only the main-window will
be opened. Now, an existing data file can be loaded or a new workcell can be
created using the menu function. Actions can be normally selected in the
Because, most actions belongs to one of the thre described object types, they
can be selected using different mouse buttons. To select a function, place the
mouse in the desired CAD-window. By double-clicking with the left mouse button
a menue (part-menue) will be displayed which contains the functions of the part
placed at the mouse position. Using the middle mouse button, TuxCAD
shows the device-menu of the corresponding device. The world-menu will be
displayed with the right mouse button. When opening the world-menu the mouse
needn't be placed at a particular position.
A selected function stays active until another function is selected, a
opened dialog is closed or the <ESC>-key
is pressed. During many function the mouse-cursor changes accordingly.
TuxCAD offers a online-help window. This can be used both as
online-manual and as well as assistance on solving problems. The window can
be displayed using different ways:
- Calling the function Help in the Help menu
- Selecting the "first aid case"-button in the Toolbar
- Pressing the <F1>-key when the
mouse is placed in one of the programs' windows (dialog- or CAD-window).
- Clicking the HELP-button on bottom of a dialog window.
The help function is context sensitive, that means: when the
<F1>-key is pressed while edition
a input field in a dialog, the opening help-window shows the appropriate
description. Sorry - the online documentation is neither complete nor
translated into english, yet.
To the TuxCAD-homepage